Mayo Photographer & Short Wave Listener (SWL) Brendan Nutley collected his new cert today from the Worked All Europe DX Contest in 2009. Brendan submitted a log to the contest for
85 QSO’s
9 QTC’s
141 Multipliers
giving a final score of 13,254 points.
This puts Brendan 1st place in Ireland in the SWL division and 5th in Europe.
“Fantastic! It was one of the most enjoyable contests i have worked, it was non stop for the short period i was on. The only problem i had was after I took my break the logging doubled due to the QTC’s being read out, Man I was not ready for that part. I will be ready the next time, watch me double that 13,254 score!, Germany will want RedBull when I am Done! ….. 73’s all!”