Thursday 28 January 2010

Mc Donald Motors Open there Doors to Haiti

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Mc Donald Motors in connection with Mid-West Radio have placed a long wheel-based Transit on the car park of Tesco. The van will be in the car park for a number of days collecting anything that will be of use to the people of Haiti.

Already there has been a huge response to the appeal, and when this photo was taken earlier this morning (left), you could not see anything in theDSC_6460 rear of the van. When I checked back later there was folk putting items back into the van as they had fell out due to over flow.

Great job! Well done people.!

This Report is from Mid West Radio

The terrible news of Haiti's earthquake has definitely puts things in perspective. Whilst we've all suffered as a result of the terrible weather conditions over the past month it all pales into insignificance when one considers the plight of the hundreds of thousands that have died in Haiti. The focus now is on the living and relief workers are working tirelessly to assist the wounded and the displaced. Our listeners have the opportunity to help out by supporting our major fundraiser for the victims at a massive Indoor Car Boot Sale at St. John's Rest and Care Centre, Knock on Sunday January 31st, 2010.DSC_6478

Below we have a full list of people from the area who are going to supervise tables on the day and also a list of drop-off points in various towns. If you know any of the volunteers listed please support them in their collection efforts or alternatively gather up good items that will sell on the day and drop them to your nearest drop-off point. An example of items required include ornaments, glassware, books, small electrical items, bric-a-brac, crockery and all household items that would sell. Note that we are not in a position to take furniture or clothes.

Container located outside Broderick’s Electric, Lodge Road from 9am to 6pm

DSC_6475All funds raised from this Car Boot Sale will be given to the Gena Heraty Haiti Fund. Gena comes from Westport and has been working in an orphanage and hospital in Haiti that has been badly affected by the earthquake. Gena has been doing Trojan work in Haiti for many years and has told us that money will be urgently needed in the weeks and months ahead. She was the recipient of a Mayo People of the Year Award last month in recognition of her work with the poorest of the poor.

If you can help out in any way please call Midwest Radio on 0818 300055 or 094-9630169. Alternatively, if you wish to donate money to the fund please send what you can to Midwest Radio, Clare Street, Ballyhaunis, County Mayo. Please ensure that all postal orders/cheques are made payable to Midwest Radio Charity Account.

If you wish to lodge money to the fund the account details are

Bank of Ireland,

(sort code 90-37-28)
56231799 account number

Account Name "Midwest Radio Charity Account"

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