Friday 14 January 2011

Astronomy Ireland

Nationwide Jupiter Watches Launch Evening Classes

On Wednesday, January 26th, at various venues all across the country, Astronomy Ireland will be setting up powerful telescopes in celebration of the planet Jupiter, one of the many objects people will learn about at our Astronomy Evening Classes. Jupiter is an amazing sight in a good quality telescope. Ideal for beginners (experts welcome too!), we encourage everyone to come along with friends and family to these free events and see Jupiter through some of Ireland's most powerful telescopes.

The Watches mark the beginning of our Spring season of Astronomy Evening Classes for Beginners, which take place all over Ireland in:

Athlone, Cork, Dublin, Dundalk, Galway, Limerick, Letterkenny, Sligo, Tralee and Waterford.

Classes take place each week from 7:30 - 9:30pm (including a 15 minute break) with the first class and registration taking place on Wednesday, February 2nd. Classes cost 180euro (130euro members rate) and include membership to Astronomy Ireland and a subscription to our magazine ‘Astronomy & Space’. Enrol on the Evening Classes now by calling (01) 847 0777 or by visiting

The Jupiter Watches will begin at 7pm.  For more information and to check your nearest Watch click HERE. Please note Watches will go ahead regardless of weather.

TV3 Show

Astronomy Ireland's David Moore appeared on our fortnightly show on TV3's The Morning Show last Thursday, January 6th.

If you missed it you can watch online by clicking HERE and you will see his stunning images of the January 4th partial solar eclipse and his demonstration of how to take images like this using a simple digital camera and telescope!

The next instalment will be broadcast on January 20th, where David will speak about how it will be your last chance to see the planet Jupiter, but how many other amazing objects will appear in our night skies. He will give details about the Nationwide Jupiter Watches and show some of the spectacular images you will get to see and learn about at the Classes.

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The world's most popular Astronomy Club

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