Wednesday 11 August 2010

Flock-Air Expands in EI

Good morning people.

Just to let you know that Flock-Air has just extended our wings to three new airports of the West coast of Ireland. These airports have never been flown to before by anyone EVER, and Flock-Air now has the ability to be able to do this.

Please note!!!!

Map picture

These airports have NO ILS, they are holiday resorts and there is no security. Two of the airports you need to exercise caution when landing as both of the landings are situated in bad locations. Inisheer and Innishmore have short landings, about 500ft long, with dangerous rock each end. And to add salt to the wound, if you mess it up bad enough not only will you tare the underside from your aircraft with the rocks you will be going for a swim. So make sure your passengers have there life jackets! HA.

So with these three airports we now have another 77 flights in and out of Ireland.

Best Regards


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